Monday, October 25, 2010

My family lives in the eye of my storm

I am like a one-mom production crew when it comes to the life my family lives.  I have been SO stressed out with new changes at work, new changes in our routines, things I keep forgetting until the last moment, money, bills, everyone else's needs.... you get the idea.  I had a 20 minute meeting with my calendar this morning and consulted all the hidden places I keep stashing all the things I need to do and tried to get it all in a centralized location.  Time will tell if I was successful in this feeble attempt at organization.  BREATHE

Need to fit in some afternoon/evening stretching/yoga/exercise.  I have been dealing with tension headaches for the past week (I also think an evil bra was a contributor as well).  My more-wonderful-than-usual husband was kind enough to try and work out a tiny percentage of the kinks running down from my skull to mid back.  I have this nagging feeling that getting back into a good full body stretching/exercise routine would be EXTREMELY helpful.  Have I convinced my lazy booty to do it yet?  Well... no, not completely... but I will attempt it.  Small steps. 

Also, what the hell is up with increased flab with no weight gain??  The scale today told me 170.8 which made me perfectly happy and yet... there are areas of flab that are much more grab-able and squishy.  WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?  Not nice... maybe my body is trying to convince my brain to get focused on the task at hand. 

Here we go... wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, Friend. I start each day with today I'm going to... Most of the time whatever that was doesn't get done. Or not the way I wanted to. I need to organize us. I need to organize ME. What I wouldn't give for an extra set of hands!
