Thursday, December 23, 2010

One year... 36 lbs

Just about a year ago I finally got fed up with the sheer volume of how much of me there was to love.  We had just moved, hubs was on the job hunt yet again, and life was full of unexpected twists and turns.  I wasn't able to keep up.  Everyday my body ached and cried out for less to lug around.  I was lonely and depressed.  So the journey began.  Lets see what worked and didn't...
*Bought treadmill and good shoes...
Definitely helped jump start things.  Thank goodness for Netflix and networks who stream their shows.  The distraction would keep me on for up to 90 mins at a time.  Shoes that I liked and felt good certainly gave me one less reason why I didn't want to.  Finding the time wasn't always easy, but then again I love to make excuses.
*Started taking multi vitamins...
On the advice of a friend, I tried Spark (Advocare) first.  Yes it initially gave me energy, and an annoying stomach ache.  After a week or two the effects wore off and I gave up.  Researched various nutrients and minerals with emphasis on women's health, weight loss, and depression.  Found a formula that seemed to have a nice balance of what I felt would be important to me.  I could feel a subtle difference overall and do think this helped get my chemistry balanced.
*Found a local group...
Depression is a vicious cycle and loneliness was killing me.  Faced my social fears and forced myself out of the house.  While there are MANY benefits to working at home, social interaction is not one of them.  I was so lucky to find a group of women that were welcoming and had similar interests right off the bat.  I know this isn't typical and sometimes it takes many tries and I was prepared for the trial and error. 
*Got a walking partner...
As the spring and summer allowed, I got out there with a friend and walked away our issues.  Talk about inexpensive therapy!!  I think most of our walks were spent airing our grievances about husbands, kids, our thighs, life in general.  But at least we had a healthy release and we both felt soooo much better every single time.  We also shared so many epiphanies about health and weight loss and mental blocks.  This step in my healthy journey was by far the most effective.
*Water, water, more water...
I find that if I have a glass of water with a straw in it at the ready, I will drink it without a second thought.  Peeing all day is a little annoying, but I watched the scale tip in my favor almost every day.  There are many times that I start slacking on the water and the stubbornness of the needle on the scale is proof positive that water and LOTS of it is essential.

Yes I still have my struggles and challenges.  Yes I still have dark and lonely days, but more often I have good ones.  I am 36 lbs lighter (as of this morning) and I have clothes that fit.  I don't end everyday in pain.  I don't need medications to make me feel normal (I was teetering for a time).  I can find small victories everyday and even sometimes... joy!

I'm a work in progress and I always will be.  But I like me.

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